piątek, 9 sierpnia 2013

it's too hot to be a rat!

My rats decided to act like other animals. They are no longer rats. For now I have:

- crazy spiderrat, that I actually photographed only once because all the time I'm like "holly shit, you're going to break your nose/tail!". Definitely what he wants is: to make a spiderrat web on a ceiling. I hope when the weather change, he's going to be a rat again.



 - two crazy farmers - they were checking the grass every possible moment trying to eat it before it grew ;)

- Buddha - well, no words needed ;)

- pretending to be ghosts

  - a rat trying to look like a desk and be perfectly invisible
 - a rat trying to be perfectly invisible with his looking like a desk ;)

and by the way... this is Figo ;)

środa, 31 lipca 2013


Toffee is so scared all the time. I have no clue what to do with him, Dumbo acted so differently from the beginning. So it's imposible to take a picture of Toffee outside the cage. It's impossible to see him not hiding. I spend all my time with them and he still can't trust me.

But Dumbo is posing for photos as a professional model ;)

Toffik niesamowicie wszystkiego się boi. Mogę śmiało przyznać, że próbowałam już wszystkiego, a przecież z Dumbem poszło tak łatwo. Zrobienie Tofikowi zdjęcia poza klatką graniczy z cudem, tak samo jak zobaczenie go, gdy robi coś innego niż chowanie się przed światem. Mimo, że spędzam z nim cały czas, on nadal mi nie ufa.

Am I going to be on TV? :)
movie fans ;)

perfect place for chill

środa, 24 lipca 2013

feed me all day long

I'm trying to give them only healthy food, but sometimes I'm too week to resist their prayers. They are big fans of corn, noodles, Gerbers and all yoghurts. They can kill for an egg. Correction - they actually can kill for all food ;)

Ps. I found a bigger bed for them. It does not pass through the cage's door...

Staram się, zgodnie ze szczurzymi forami, dawać im tylko pyszne szczurze i zdrowe jedzenie, niestety czasem ich błagania (i pazury) są zbyt silne by się im oprzeć. Mogą zabić za kukurydzę, makaron, gerberki dla dzieci, jogurty czy jajko. Zapach zupki chinskiej powoduje u nich szał i niemalże cieknie im z pyszczków. Ale chinczyków jeść nie będą.

Ps. Znalazłam dla nich większe łóżko. Większe łóżko nie mieści się przez dzrzwiczki klatki. Co za ironia...

I'm wondering if he always thinks I'm going to steal his food ;)
Corn stealer. The little one, Toffee learned from Dumbo already. They are stealing together.
Dumbo pretending to be an owl :D I can't stop laughing :D

wtorek, 23 lipca 2013

hide & seek

I have to admit. This little creatures are masters of hiding! I used to have a dog, I had her for almost 19 years and it was also little pain in the ass, very vital, always busy with something but this rats... they are so busy :) Especially Dumbo, because the little Toffee is still a bit afraid of travelling around the room. Dumbo all the time is like "OMG I must go there again, I must jump there, I must see if I peed enough there or maybe the floor needs another watering, I'm sure I will fit this tiny chink between a wall and furnitures" A few days ago Dumbo decided to take a nap deeply inside of my wardrobe, but he did it so quietly I was sure that it's more likely he died jumping from the balcony (which was closed - but I was out of my mind :) and I was looking for him for a half an hour or more, destroying all the protections I created with my boyfriend to make the room "rat-proof". It's very difficult to look for a rat that is deaf, because he can't hear you're begging him to come back. Finally he was in the wardrobe. So surprised we were looking for him ;)

where to hide;)

who would think they can sleep like that? ;)

too hot`everywhere

love is in the air ;)

czwartek, 18 lipca 2013

lazy rats - photostory :)

Toffee decided that Dumbo's favourite house is going to be also his favourite

Firstly Dumbo gave up and had a rest on a couch. (with his filthy tail that we had to clean a moment later, after noticing it)
And now...
And now it doesn't matter they have a big cage with 3 floors and 6 beds included.  This bed is the ONLY bed for them ;)

I think I need bigger bed like that one for them. Dumbo is growing so fast!

PS. Perfectly synchronised rats ;)

poniedziałek, 15 lipca 2013

red rat carpet ;)

Dumbo & Toffee can feel like a Cannes stars today.After relaxing night I let them to introduce themselves again. It's an afternoon and there have been no fight ;) I would say that Dumbo is ignoring the small buddy and all the small buddy wants it to sleep next to warm rat body, which is, actually, not what Dumbo wants ;)

The thing I love about a small Toffee is his eyes. They blink separately and slowly, it's so cute view ;)

The thing I love about Dumbo is that after one week with me he became so trustful and likes people's company, maybe he doesn't want to spend a lot of time in hands but wants to feel that there is always somebody to give him this hand when he needs some help (because his hobby is to climb to the tops of furnitures and then he has no idea how to return:)

Terytorium zapoznawcze po nocy spędzonej osobno powstało z czerwonego koca, więc Dumbo i Toffi mogli poczuć się jak gwiazdy filmowe. Jak do tej pory nie było między nimi żadnej walki ;) Dumbo ignoruje potrzebę bliskości malucha, choć przez chwilę spali obok siebie na kanapie. Teraz leżą na dwóch osobnych. Wszystko zmierza jednak w dobrym kierunku.

Najbardziej uroczą cechą Toffika jest mruganie swoimi ciemno- rubinowymi oczkami na przemian. Nie można się w nich nie zakochać ;)
Dumbo za to po równym tygodniu spędzonym u mnie w domu zachowuje się niezwykle ufnie. Podróżuje na ramieniu i śpi w rękawie bluzy. Ne lubi siedzieć na rękach, aczkolwiek zawsze czeka na pomocną dłoń kiedy uprawia swoje zabawne hobby - wspinanie się w miejsca niemożliwe, takie, z których na pewno nie da się samemu zejść ;)

Toffee in da house!
another yoghurt fan ;)

Dumbo's so big already he couldn't even put his head in a box's hole ;)

and how the meeting ended ;)
so jealous rat I raised!